National Stalking Awareness Month

NSAM Graphic


National Stalking Awareness Month (#NSAM) is an annual national call to action to recognize and respond to stalking. Follow along to learn more and get involved.

What is Stalking?

The Handbook of Operating Procedures 3-3031: Prohibition of Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Sexual Harassment, and Sex Discrimination (HOP 3-3031) defines Stalking as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others or would cause that person to suffer substantial emotional distress.

Most stalkers use multiple tactics to scare their victims. These behaviors may include (but are not limited to):

  • Unwanted contact through repeated calls (including hang-ups), texts, e-mails, messages, or social media.
  • Following you.
  • Sending unwanted gifts or letters
  • Tracking using technology (like GPS, apps, or hidden cameras)
  • Showing up or waiting for you at places like classrooms or residence hall, the library, or the gym
  • Damaging your property
  • Spreading rumors about you – in person or online
  • Posting or sharing, or threatening to post or share, intimate photographs of you
  • Harassing your classmates, roommate(s), friends, co-workers, or family
  • Gathering information about you through social media or asking people about you
  • Hacking your accounts, changing your passwords, or impersonating you online
  • Threatening to hurt you or those close to you – family, friends, pets

Calendar of Events

  • Monday, January 13  – NSAM Launches: Follow us on Instagram @utaustintix to keep up with events happening throughout the month. You can also change your virtual background and share the informational and social graphics with others. 
  • Thursdays, January 16 – Tabling on Speedway:. Join the Title IX Office, VAN, LWC, and other campus partners, to learn about the services, resources, and education and training opportunities available to the campus community. 
  • Saturday, January 18 – National Day of Action for Stalking Awareness: Wear sparkles to raise awareness about stalking and to support stalking survivors. You Learn more from the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC).
  • Friday, February 14 – Valentine’s Day Tabling on Speedway: Celebrate Valentine’s Day, and the end of National Stalking Awareness Month, with the Title IX Office and VAN with us as we distribute Valentine’s cards, candy, and more! 

Seeking Support

  • If you or someone you know has experienced stalking, there is help available.
    • Call 911 if you are in imminent danger
    • Connect with campus resources:
    • If you think you are in danger, trust your instincts! Document everything that happens, and how it has made you feel.

There are campus, community, and national resources available if you or someone you know is or has experienced stalking:

UT Austin Title IX

Victim's Advocate Network (VAN)

The SAFE Alliance Austin


One Love Foundation

Love is Respect