Any person may report an incident of sexual assault, interpersonal violence (including domestic and dating violence), stalking, sexual harassment, and sex discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator, via email at, or by calling 512-471-0419, regardless of whether the person reporting is the person alleged to be subject to the complained-of behavior. Also, any person may report incidents anonymously via an online reporting form.
Please use this form to request assistance as a result of a pregnancy/parenting related situation. For more information, visit Pregnancy and Parenting Resources.
Why Report?
- The incident has negatively affected your academics or employment.
- You have concerns about your safety or the safety of the community.
- You need someone to confide in or want to seek assistance and support, but you are not seeking action or do not want to name the Respondent.
- You want the university to pursue disciplinary action against the Respondent.
- You want a No Contact Directive to be put in place between you and the Respondent.
- Reporting an incident informs the University of the incident, which allows the institution to provide support, resources, and accommodations to all the parties impacted by the incident and does not necessarily result in the initiation of a grievance process.
Types of Reporting
Anonymous Report
A report can be made without sharing your name. You may pick this option if you'd like to make the university aware of incidents or general trends but you may not be seeking any further action. Depending on the information provided, the university’s ability to respond may be limited.
University Report
All Parties who report incidents to the Title IX Coordinator will be offered individualized supportive measures. A decision to remain anonymous may greatly limit the University’s ability to stop the alleged conduct, collect evidence, or take action against parties accused of violating this Policy. Prompt reporting is encouraged.
Any person subject to an alleged incident, may file a Formal Complaint to initiate the appropriate grievance process. There are three grievance process tracks offered. The Title IX Office maintains a chart showing the three different tracks and their respective applications. The University recognizes the right of a victim of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking to report the incident and to receive a prompt and equitable resolution of the report or Formal Complaint.
The Title IX Coordinator may also file and sign a Formal Complaint based on any incident report received which will initiate the appropriate grievance process track.
Police Report
Police reports can be made as an option to pursue criminal action, file a protective order, and access victim services, or you can file a police report without pursuing criminal action. Criminal action is separate from a Title IX university investigation process. We do not share information with the University of Texas Police Department (UTPD) or Austin Police Department (APD) unless the Complainant gives us specific permission to do so, there are immediate safety concerns, the victim is a minor under state law, or we are compelled to do so by a subpoena or court order.
Civil Report
Reports can also be made to external federal or state agencies.
Find out more about your reporting options on the links provided, or by visiting our Reporting Resources page.
What Happens Next?
After a report or Formal Complaint is submitted, the Title IX Office will review the report or Formal Complaint and will reach out to the reporter, complainant, and other appropriate parties. To learn more about next steps and options, review the Intake Process Flow Chart. For more information on support options are available to you, please visit the Get Help page. For more information on the grievance processes, please visit the Process page.
Commitment to Privacy & Confidentiality
After making a report, student information will be handled in accordance with the regulations established by the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records, and information contained in educational records cannot be shared without the student's written consent. All reports are treated with the greatest degree of confidentiality possible. Confidentiality is maintained on a need-to-know basis with respect to the university's obligations to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct and take the appropriate corrective action.

Report to the University
This form is intended to report incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence, stalking, sex discrimination, sexual exploitation, and unprofessional or inappropriate conduct under HOP 3-3031.