Non-Confidential Resources
Title IX Office
University Risk and Compliance Services - Department of Investigation and Adjudication
Serves as a neutral investigator of allegations of sexual assault, interpersonal violence (including dating and domestic violence), stalking, sexual harassment, sex discrimination, sexual exploitation, unprofessional or inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature, retaliation, false information and false complaints, interference with grievance processes, failure to report by a non-confidential employee against students, employees, and other affiliates under HOP 3-3031. Investigates other forms of discrimination under the Non-Discrimination Policy (HOP 3-3020).
Austin Police Department (APD)
Supports and assists the community for any off-campus incidents in the Austin area. Call 911 for emergencies. Non-emergencies: 512-974-5037
UT Police Department (UTPD)
Assist victims in criminal reports. Pseudonym option is available to victims to shield the victim's identity in a police report. Provides escort services. Call 911 for emergencies. Non-emergencies: 512-471-4441, dial "9"
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or employee on the basis of a protect class, including discrimination on the basis of sex. 800-669-4000
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Responsible for enforcing federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education, including sex discrimination covered under Title IX. 214-661-9600
Texas Child Protective Services (CPS)
Hotline to report abuse and neglect of children (minors) and receive information about available resources. 800-252-5400
Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division
Texas state agency responsible for enforcing state level employee rights and labor laws.