
Prohibited conduct can affect everyone in the classroom or workplace community.   A Third-Party is someone who may not have directly experienced prohibited conduct under Title IX, but may have knowledge of prohibited conduct.  This can include something you witnessed, awareness of an issue in your community, or information someone disclosed to you. Third-parties can also feel the impact of harm.  Below are support options and tools for third-parties. 

Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL)

If you are concerned about a situation or an individual and unsure of what to do, call the Behavior Concerns Advice Line. This is a 24/7 line created to offer advice and support for any and all concerns that come up with our university community.  It is not confidential, but you can remain anonymous. 

Support Options 

Visit the Support a Survivor page for tips and information.

Those indirectly impacted by an experience can still receive support and assistance to address any needs that may come up.  The university has various confidential and non-confidential services available to address mental, physical, emotional, and academic needs including:  

  • Emotional support and processing after an incident. 
  • Course load reductions or full withdrawals.  
  • Discreet absence notifications. 
  • Requests for flexibility/ alternative participation to faculty and supervisors. 
  • Safety planning. 
  • Emergency funds. 
  • Short-term emergency housing accommodations or housing changes. 
  • Services for food insecurity. 
  • Address questions and concerns about institutional policy and procedure. 
  • Conflict resolution and dispute management. 
  • Support and referrals for concerns friends, family, partners, and faculty/staff members. 

For more information, please visit the Campus Resources page.

Contact Us


Student Services Building (SSB) 4.204
100 W Dean Keeton Suite 4.204
Austin, Texas 78712


